Bungie has warned that Destiny players on PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 may need to check their consoles meet the requirements for upcoming expansion, The Taken King. Detailed on the Destiny website, The Taken King will require at least 10GB of free space on the Xbox 360. The PS3 version will need at least 20GB of free space during installation and at least 10GB for the required update after installation.
Bungie will be releasing a "major" update for Destiny on September 8. All Destiny players will be required to download the update to continue playing the game, even if they do not buy The Taken King expansion.
Players using a 20GB PS3 or Xbox 360 are advised to upgrade their hard disk drives. Another suggestion made on site is simply "upgrade your console." Data transfers are supported in Destiny so characters, gear, and progress can be moved to a new console. However, cross-family data transfers are not supported e.g. Xbox 360 to PS4, or PS3 to Xbox One.
Alternatively, players can also contact Activision Customer Support for support in "finding the right solution" for their console's storage space. It is not specified what this could entail.
Destiny The Taken King will be released on September 15 across all platforms. It will introduce major changes to the overall Destiny experience, including weapon balance tweaks and replacing the The Light level system with a more traditional experience-based progression. The quest and bounty systems in the game are also getting a big overhaul.
This is not the first time PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 owners have been warned about hard disk space restrictions--Grand Theft Auto V players on last-generation consoles were also warned about running out of space.
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