PlatinumGames has unveiled World of Demons, an action game that pits samurai versus yokai in what looks very much like a spiritual successor to Ōkami, leaning as it does on traditional Japanese folklore and mythology and featuring artwork that's heavy on parchment textures and drawn with thick, tangibly inked lines.
Oh, and another thing. It's a free-to-play mobile game that's being published by partner DeNA.
If that last little caveat comes as a bit of a disappointment, know this: World of Demons looks and plays every inch the PlatinumGames action experience, its combat encounters complete with combos, counters and cancels. And, despite the touchscreen, it plays like an extremely good example of the type of action PlatinumGames has built its name upon - as you might expect given it's from the director of Anarchy Reigns and designer of The Wonderful 101.
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