I need to keep 900+ guests in my park for three consecutive minutes.
This is a doddle, I reckon. I'm making $350,000 a minute here. Everyone seems pretty happy. They're lapping up the new gift shop which boasts a "fun" rating of two whole stars. Like a lot of the challenges to date - some of which I've completed by simply removing an upgrade and putting it back again - this seems pretty straightforward.
I watch the counter as it creeps up... and then a dinosaur unexpectedly karks it. I yelp, hit the shortcut to the ACU - the team that removes the deceased - and hope I can get it out of the park before any guests clock it. Apparently not. Numbers plummet. I hover over the corpse of my recently departed Triceratops and discover he's died of old age. Unfortunately, there's no way to convey this to the guests bolting for the exit.
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