
11:05 AM

My favourite moment in Starlink: Battle for Atlas occured when, muddled and in the heat of a fight, I attached a weapon the wrong way around. Ubisoft's latest is a very late entry into the toys-to-life marketplace: when you play it, your controller houses a little mount upon which you slot a pilot, a star-fighter, and various weapons that then appear in the game.

This being 2018, everything on that mount is a repository for levelling. Those pilots come with their own special abilities and their own skill trees, while ships have their own handling and stats, and can be modded, as can the weapons, to gain all kinds of incremental boosts and flavours. Fine. But you can also put the weapons on backwards, in which case - and to the game's infinite credit - they will then shoot backwards.

Not just that, you can remove a ship's wings and slot on the wings from another ship. And you can even slot wings into the first set of wings' weapon slots, until you're going into battle with four wings hanging off each side of your craft and weapons slotted in only at the very edges. You can make real Frankenstein's monster stuff. It's all a bit pointless to do this, sure, but it's quietly pleasing nonetheless.

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