
7:00 AM

We've become accustomed to a singular artistic illustration of war. Chaotic cinematics that leap from one shocked face to the next, bodies - and body parts - strewn around, sinking into the mud. There's sometimes an accompanying chorus of plaintive strings, as though the visuals alone aren't enough to convey the horror, but it's usually all but drowned out by a competing soundtrack of screams and explosions.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 on the other hand? Well, it takes a very different view. While big hitters like Battlefield and Call of Duty ramp up the shock and confusion of war, delightfully detailing the blood and the bullets, Chronicles paints it with a soft watercolour brush.

Even the darkest days in Valkyria Chronicles 4 are conveyed with an air of romance and optimism, your daily duties accompanied with jaunty tunes and soft giggles. Militia costumes are bright and bold, and your squadron flighty and flirtatious. I'm trying not to be distracted by this window dressing as I know full well that beneath this squishy exterior beats the stone cold heart of a challenging tactical JRPG... but my eyes keep being pulled back to Raz's snazzy cravat and matching hairband. And not in a good way, either.

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