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After successfully integrating Kevin Spacey into last year’s Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Activision is returning to Hollywood. This y...
Pencil Test Studio's claymation point-and-click adventure title Armikrog is available now. The launch trailer showcases the title...
To start off, I would like to say, I am not here to whine about the fact that much of the CS:GO community runs around like a headless c...
Bethesda’s series focused on Fallout 4’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat system has been a humorous look at how to survive in the Wasteland. It conti...
If everything had gone according to plan with Geometry Wars Retro Evolved, it would have ended up a shadow of its final glory. For all the...
Assault Android Cactus is a "frenetic arcade style twin stick shooter" to use their words and boy are they right. Android Cact...
Atari announced today that Roller Coaster Tycoon World, the latest entry in the beloved theme-park simulation series, is coming to PC on ...
When JRPGs were struggling to evolve last generation, Xenoblade Chronicles came along and showed the genre still had a few tricks up it...
Dragon Quest Heroes’ new trailer gives players an in-depth roll call of its ensemble cast. Get to know the hack n' slash title's ...
Post-apocalyptic RPGs are set to have good year, and not just because of Fallout 4. Today developer inXile Entertainment released a new g...
Davey Wreden, one of the minds behind 2013’s weird and funny The Stanley Parable, has announced his next game. The Beginner’s Guide is la...
Need for Speed has always been about the streets, but this year's reboot (out November 3 for Xbox One and PS4) aims to nail the car c...
Apparently, you can go back again. Telltale Games has announced that it's delivering a new version of its 2011 game based on the film...