
12:03 PM

The Creative Assembly released a new gameplay video for the upcoming Total War: Warhammer today. The video provides a quick look at the stalwart and industrious Dwarfs, one of four factions that will be playable at launch.

Warhammer fans already know that the Dwarfs are a prideful and hard-working race, and the gameplay in Total War reflects these characteristics. The video shows off one of the Dwarfs’ iron strongholds and even features a quick look at the iconic Great Book of Grudges. 

(Please visit the site to view this media)

The Great Book of Grudges, the unique campaign element for the Dwarfs, contains a list of grievances that must be settled in order to remain in a favorable light with other Dwarf clans. These grudges are cleared through missions and usually award the player with either a cash bonus or a buff upon completion.

Total War: Warhammer is coming to PC, Mac and Linux on April 28. For more gameplay footage, watch an army of Greenskins take on the Bretonnians here


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