Pokémon Sun & Moon developer Game Freak has already revealed the evolved form of your starter Pokémon, and today they go a step further and uncover those starters' final evolutions.
Rowlet –> Dartrix –> Decidueye (signature move: Spirit Shackle, which keeps the opponent from switching out)
Litton –> Torracat –> Incineroar (signature move: Darkest Lariat. This ignores the opponent's stat change)
Popplio –> Brionne –> Primarina (signature move: Sparkling Aria, which heals burns)
The video below also describes the Guardians of Alola and the fact that they share a unique Z-Move. Finally, you can go up against other trainers at the Battle Tree and through the Pokémon League.
(Please visit the site to view this media)
Pokémon Sun & Moon come out on November 18 for the 3DS.
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