Halo Wars 2 has been designed, first and foremost, with a controller in mind. An improvement over even its predecessor here, it proves once again that real-time strategy isn't exclusive to PC players.
Unit selection is perhaps the best example of this. With a gamepad you can select units individually or double tap them to grab every unit of that type. If that sounds a bit fiddly, you could hold down a button and paint over those you want to control, or tap a shoulder button to select everything on screen. In fact, double tapping that same shoulder button has you controlling every unit on the map. It all works exceptionally well.
From that point, you can cycle between each unit type and give them orders individually, allowing for some basic micromanagement, or if you're feeling especially fancy: create custom groups and assign them to the d-pad. That last one is particularly great to see, as it's something we expect from the genre when playing on PC and yet Halo Wars 2 is one of the first games to make this work on the consoles.
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