There is great joy to be had in watching big things smash into each other.
It's a fact. A prima facie truth, which Relic Entertainment's long awaited Warhammer 40,000 strategy sequel understands more than any other in its genre. Within minutes of my first multiplayer game in Dawn of War 3 - a feisty one-on-one against an old friend and fellow DoW veteran - I had their whole army, plus one of the most enormous units in the series' history, suspended in mid air and torn apart at the seams with one colossal beam of energy; a last-gasp trap I'd laid in one final, desperate defence. Quite the spectacle, even if my friend did have to 'suddenly leave' soon after.
Dawn of War 3's delivery of these joyous moments, mind, is somewhat inconsistent. It often stumbles, from baffling swings in the competency of its AI opponents to curious missteps in presenting crucial information on units, resources, and interactions. Anyone versed in real-time strategy will likely lament the rigid nature of its online component, and if you've even poked a nose into the 40,000 community, you'll have a good idea of what they think about front-flipping Terminator armour.
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