
6:48 PM

The action-platformer developed by SIE Japan Studio returns, looking to reinvigorate the franchise with improved combat and platforming mechanics.

Poor combat variety plagued the original installment, restricting players with limited attacks, finite health, and frequent deaths. Knack emphasized the action portion heavily, leading to little diversity and subsequent monotony. The developers seem intent on resolving these shortcomings, focusing on increasing the range of combat mechanisms to include charge attacks, aerial slams, blocking, and more. In addition, Knack 2 accentuates the platforming aspect of the game, creating environments with significant verticality and obstacle variety.

Another big draw for players comes in the form of cooperative mode, which offers even more gameplay options with unique attacks and additional incentives.

Check out the trailer and media gallery below.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

For more information on Knack 2, head here. Knack 2 comes to PlayStation 4 on September 5.


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