
12:58 PM

Blood Bowl II is out next week, which means those of you who like to hammer on the “violence button” in your sports games are in luck. The latest gameplay video shows off another pair of opposites: the High Elves are taking on the Orcs.

While the High Elves focus on finesse and passing, the Orcs prefer to get up close and personal. That isn’t to say they don’t have a passing game… it’s just that it comes with a bit of risk as you’ll see below.

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Blood Bowl II is out on September 22 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can also check out another set of opposites as the sneaky skaven take on the powerful dwarves.

Oh, and we've done you the favor of immortalizing the best part of the trailer above. You don't have to thank us. Really.


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