
12:55 AM

If one thing sums up the pointlessness of The Gamechangers, it's the announcer who spoke up over the end credits following its broadcast. "If you're interested in coding..." they said, launching into a promotion for the BBC's admirable Make It Digital season.

The problem is that the preceding 90 minutes, while ostensibly telling the story of how Grand Theft Auto became the world's fastest selling entertainment product, have shown absolutely no interest in the act of game creation whatsoever. If you were to use this film as your inspiration, you'd be forgiven for thinking that Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was simply willed into life by Sam Houser standing in his New York office. The fact that Houser is played by Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe makes the process seem even more magical. "We need a new game engine!" he declares, and in the very next scene a new game engine has appeared. He might as well have cried "Rendarium Gamiosa!"

That's a little unfair on Radcliffe, a personable actor who does his best with the painfully thin material the script gives him. Picking up immediately after the launch of GTA Vice City, the film follows Rockstar through the rushed development of San Andreas, and the subsequent censorship battles brought about by legal zealot Jack Thompson.

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