
9:35 AM

While we still have a few days before The Division hits retail and digital storefronts, Ubisoft is starting to talk about the season pass. With a Gold edition that includes all that DLC being sold at launch, you’ll know what’s on offer before you pull the trigger.

The first expansion won’t drop until June. Before then, there will be a number of free updates to keep things going.

April's Incursion update adds a squad-focused endgame mode. For succeeding, you'll get access to new weapons and gear.

In May, the Conflict update brings added features to the Dark Zone player-vs-player area. A new incursion, taking place in New York City's Columbus Circle, will also be added.

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Paid content doesn't begin until June, with the Underground expansion. You'll be heading down into the subway system.

Survival, the second paid expansion, will be coming this summer. This brings player-vs-player additions, with resources scarce and the temptation to turn on your friends mounting.

Last Stand introduces a new threat, and what seems to be a new type of gameplay. Based on the video above, it appears that a tower defense gametype is coming. That expansion will arrive this winter.

The season pass also comes with exclusive weapons, outfits, and events. Ubisoft plans to add the ability to trade loot (with a co-op group during the same session it's earned - similar to Diablo III), get gear set bonuses, daily and weekly assignments, and more dark zone features.

The Division will be out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 8. For more, check out our coverage of the beta.  


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