
9:35 AM

Well over two years after No Man's Sky was unveiled, Hello Games' Sean Murray is still fielding the same question that's been circling this game from the very start. And each and every time he's answered it patiently, diligently and, somewhat commendably, without displaying any frustration at having to repeat himself all over again. So, with No Man's Sky finally available in playable form during a press event, let's run through this one more time. Just for old time's sake. What is it you actually do in this game?

Quite a lot, as it turns out.

We're assembled on the top floor of Millbank Tower on a rare clear London night ahead of our first proper chance to go hands-on with the game, the stars in the sky beyond the windows twinkling on cue as Murray runs through the systems that underpin the inconceivably vast universe that he and his team - with the help of some clever maths - have created out of a small studio in Guildford. There are a fair few of them, it soon transpires: this may well be more game than you were expecting.

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