Dreams is an upcoming sandbox game by Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet series) that puts interesting creative tools in the hands of players. By controlling an imp, you create in-game items and possess characters as you travel from dream to dream though gateways. Or you can make dreams from scratch that are entirely your own. A new developer diary from Media Molecule (using alpha-quality gameplay) takes a lengthy look into how Dreams is shaping up, showing what players can do in this virtual work-space.
It opens with a time-lapse video demonstrating artists using the in-game tools to craft some impressive pieces, including a massive robot surrounded by rubble and moss, and a sculpture of Sony's Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who guest stars in the video. The artists use two PlayStation Move controllers like extensions of their own hands, manipulating matter on screen to make sculptures and twisting the remotes to change their focus.
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All the music and sound effects were built on a PlayStation 4 using Dual Shock and Move controllers, meaning that you can replicate or improve everything you hear. A great deal of the puzzle levels are co-op as well, meaning two players can control their own characters in a level at the same time.
A new feature called the collections is also explored in the video, which is a system that allows you to organize your in-game creations into groups you label yourself. It's referred to as the "Pinterest within Dreams," as it's like an image board that houses each of the assets you've made, and allows you to follow other people's collections. By allowing players to access other's creations, you can use their art along with your own when creating worlds and levels.
For more on Dreams, check out the whimsical announcement trailer from E3 2015 or its first gameplay video featuring a giant mouse. There is currently no confirmed release date yet for Dreams, but a beta with PlayStation VR support is coming to PlayStation 4 sometime in 2016.
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