Worms WMD is something like the 20th Worms game to have been produced by Team 17 during the past two decades, and I'd run out of fingers and toes to count on before even getting to the spin-offs (Worms Crazy Golf anyone?). Over the past two decades Team17 has tried reinvigorating the series in a variety of ways, including moving the gameplay from 2D to 3D, through to introducing different classes of Worms. Some ideas worked, some didn't, but for all that effort it seemed like Team17 was consistently missing the mark. After 20 years, the series had simply grown tired and jaded, much like the enthusiasm of its fan base.
With WMD though, Team 17 has opted for a different approach. Instead of trying to innovate it's gone back to basics with simpler, purer two-dimensional gameplay that's instantly reminiscent of arguably the best game in the series, Worms Armageddon. And to be honest, it's worked a treat; WMD is a joy to play, and an instant throwback to what made the pre-noughties games so enjoyable.
That's not to say that nothing new has been added. Vehicles make their first appearance in a Worms game, as do buildings that players can enter for cover and a tactical advantage. There are new weapons, too, such as the satellite powered OMG Strike that disintegrates a large chunk of the play area and the Dodgy Phone Battery that creates an electrical charge which jumps between any Worms unlucky enough to be within its range.
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