
5:11 AM

If you've ever looked at Eve Online's space fleet battles and wished you could participate, but have been put off by the job entry requirements - mandatory game subscription, weeks of basic training, sociopathic tendencies not required but a distinct advantage - then perhaps Fractured Space is worth a look. It's a Homeworld-infused take on League of Legends, offering the kind of year-round competitive play that participants in Eve's annual Alliance Tournament can only dream about.

Being squarely based on the world's favourite MOBA, Fractured Space's arena combat doesn't offer anything near the same scale as Eve's grand engagements, nor the alliance-ending consequences that come with sustained periods of victory or defeat. But neither do you have to endure four hour long mining sessions to replace lost ships, futile patrols to keep apathy at bay, nor feel yourself slowly transforming into the kind of self-entitled forum-dweller you've fruitlessly responded to your entire gaming life.

I jest of course - only macro bots mine these days - but you get my drift. Eve and its kind require a very specific set of qualities in order to gain full enjoyment from them; patience, a thick skin, skill. And time. Lots and lots of time - in amounts you may have had ten years ago when your fingers were permanently Cheeto-stained and there was an old Vimto bottle under the desk, but that today is as scarce as Arkanor in a hi-sec asteroid field. (Thems were the days, eh Eve vets?)

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