
5:07 AM

We've been here before. A new piece of exciting PlayStation hardware that promises a taste of what's to come, pushed by a winningly stylish future sports game developed by a talented UK studio. Rigs might be an all-new IP, but there's plenty about this PlayStation VR exclusive that's familiar.

This is a much more sedate affair than the dearly departed WipEout, as any poster child for the potentially woozy world of virtual reality needs to be. A three-on-three mech-fuelled sports and shooter hybrid that spills out across colourful arenas, its basic premise comes to life through no end of style. It's a spin on Speedball that's seemingly been given a makeover by The Designers Republic, all colourful optimism, clean concrete and impossibly large advertising hoardings.

Rigs' aesthetic really works. The set dressing here is exquisite and worn brilliantly well, seeping into every crevice of the experience. You ally yourself to a team - and again the graphic designers deserve credit for logos so beautiful I'd happily wear merchandise for my chosen team, the Grizzlies - and can take to offline matches that see you work your way up through leagues, recruiting new and better teammates as you go. Sponsors can be picked so you can plaster your overalls with their emblems, unlocked by attaining set objectives that can then open up new items with which to customise your avatar.

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