My experience playing Rollercoaster Tycoon World began with confusion. Upon launching, it presented me with an entirely black screen, and remained that way for the duration of my mid-afternoon coffee-break. As black screens go it's a very good one, the kind of fathomless void you'd expect Lovecraftian horrors to float around in. In fact, I briefly wondered if this was Rollercoaster Tycoon World's new, avant-garde direction, a theme-park sim set in a dimension where the rides drive you insane.
Alas, it was merely a bug, something to do with the game failing to sync with the Steam cloud, and one of a litany of issues that has Tycoon fans worked up to a level of frenzy usually reserved for hungry sharks. Indeed, a common refrain amongst Steam user reviews is that it's "Worse than No Man's Sky", which in the language of High Internet means "Worse than the Tay Bridge Disaster."
Rollercoaster Tycoon World is worse than No Man's Sky, but not in the way that the Steam users mean that. A nasty part of me wishes it was "car-crash into an orphanage for bush-babies" levels of awful, because it would be more interesting to write about. Yet developer Nvizzio has put in a fair amount of work since the game's atrocious Early Access debut, and the result is a game that is merely a bit shit.
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