
12:22 PM

I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2, but one of the things about it that rubbed me up the wrong way was how the game's plucky hacker crew could use actual guns to murder a bucketload of people.

For a game with such a light-hearted tone, it always felt off to me that I could have DedSec's likeable Marcus Holloway shoot to kill. Killing cops and pedestrians and even the "bad guys" was, for me, at odds with the philosophy of the underground hacker group and its mission - to gain more followers on social media by humiliating corrupt companies and the morally bankrupt establishment.

Watch Dogs 2 had just two non-lethal weapons, the 2EZ Stun Gun and the Thunderball. Neither was particularly useful out in the field. So, in a bid to play Watch Dogs 2 the way I felt it should be played, I'd focus on completing missions through the use of the drone, camera hacking and the odd triggered stun explosion. Still, I always felt that Watch Dogs 2 could have done with a few more non-lethal weapons, because sometimes even the best laid plans go pear-shaped. Thankfully, that's what the game is getting with the latest DLC.

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