I don't like to watch the flythrough. I like to find everything out in the moment. And 'the moment', in Danger Zone, means the same moment your front bumper first kisses the front bumper of another vehicle travelling at high speed. Or maybe it kisses the tailgate, and sends everything into a spin. Or maybe it kisses the side, and all that momentum results in a skidding stop as metal grinds against metal. The flythrough is there to give you a chance to plan your route: first collision here, over to that Smashbreaker, over to that Smashbreaker, and then into that chain of points booster pickups. Done.
Yeah, done, I guess, but where is the fun in that? Planning still feels wrong here, no matter how precise Danger Zone becomes in some of its final demands on its players. Precision is one thing, but I like to find everything out in the moment.
Like traffic-checking. A guilty pleasure imported from Burnout Revenge, I think. Possibly a step too far at the time, even for a series that prided itself in stepping too far. Traffic-checking meant that you could smash into any car that was travelling in the same direction you were headed in, and you would just bat the car in question aside with no real loss of momentum, without it registering as a proper collision and taking you into that glorious thick-air slow-mo and then restart. Traffic-checking saw you Katamari-ing your way down a track, gathering up any nearby travellers who would then just bounce along with you in a chummy muddle, wiping out all incoming cars.
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