
9:16 AM

Amid all the the common sense quality of life improvements Bungie announced for Destiny 2 last week, one change to the way the first game works took me by surprise.

The Crucible, one of my favourite modes from Destiny, has seen its player count reduced from 12 to eight. That's 6v6 down to 4v4 - across all modes.

As the gameplay reveal ended, I found myself puzzled by the decision. I don't remember seeing any huge call from the Destiny community for Bungie to cut the number of players on a Crucible map. One of the reasons I love the mode is because it's uniquely Destiny. It's fast, frenetic and packed with crazy abilities popping off left, right and centre from multiple players. Surviving and dominating in such an environment is a thrill. So I was keen to go hands-on with PvP to see how it felt for myself - and speak to Bungie about the decision.

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