While the world outside beckons with summer sunshine, I have decided to return to the cold, faraway lands of Stoic Studio's The Banner Saga instead.
Since the last part of this series, which now finds its conclusion with The Banner Saga 3, an unexplained darkness has warped everything it touches. Having accompanied many different characters in their desperate search for safety from the race known as Dredge, it now increasingly looks like nothing short of Ragnarok, the apocalypse, is at hand.
The Banner Saga has always been my go-to out of the brand of games that make certain defeat an important part of their appeal. In many of them, such as Into The Breach or Telltale's The Walking Dead, you can't avoid death, and neither should you try to. Among all the games that want me to win, to emerge victorious in some capacity or other, The Banner Saga has, from its very beginning, merely asked that I hold on, somehow.
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