I've always found good horror games to be the most immersive of all virtual experiences. A strong dose of terror laser-focuses your attention onto the illusion and causes the world outside your visor to melt away.
Virtual threats can seem all too real because of this and, under the right circumstances, the primal fear they release in you can be all consuming. You're not just playing the game when this happens, you're living the game and, for the first three to four hours or so, that's exactly how it felt playing The Persistence.
The Persistence is a first-person Roguelike set onboard a sprawling starship that's been crippled by the effects of an unexpected black hole (don't you just hate those?). You start the game as a clone of the ship's security officer, Zimri Eder, who's been brought back from the dead by Serena Karim, the ship's engineer and sole survivor of the catastrophe.
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