Titan Quest is often mentioned in the same breath as Diablo, as though a long but monstrously tough rope binds them together. I'm not sure who this annoys most - Titan Quest's creators Iron Lore or even Diablo creator Blizzard itself - but suffice to say, 12 years after the isometric action role-playing game was originally released, I'm doing it, too.
Sorry about that.
At the time of its 2006 release, Titan Quest set out to fill the aching ARPG hole left by six years of no-Diablo-3, which arguably it did do, albeit to varying levels of success. Thing is, a Diablo-clone is only ever going to be exactly that: a clone. Whilst it indisputably helped fans of the genre scratch a sorely neglected itch, it couldn't quite deliver the depth nor detail of Blizzard's seminal franchise.
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