Just Cause 3 starts as it means to go on. Following a winking credits sequence soundtracked by a crooning cover version of The Prodigy's Firestarter, you're dropped into the game standing atop a speeding plane, using a rocket launcher to take out ground targets as flak explodes all around you.
Following this explosive introduction, you don't have to wait long until you're given a tank turret to play with. Then a minigun. Then you're introduced to your new tether weapon, which lets you attach two objects together and yank them towards each other. Then a wingsuit that lets you swoop at high speed across the countryside of Medici.
Just Cause 3 is a game that literally cannot wait to show off its toys. And, unlike too many other games which draw you in with cool stuff only to take it away and make you earn it all back, Rico Rodriguez gets to keep pretty much everything he is given in this relentless opening salvo.
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