My daughter is useless and annoying, a drain on my limited resources with no redeeming factor. She needs attention and food, but she can't use workbenches, she can't clear rubble, can't cook, can't guard, can't scavenge. She's a luxury I cannot afford. She's inefficient.
This is how This War of Mine makes you think. Characters are cogs in a machine that has no margin for error. This is base-building with no comfort. Your shelter may have advanced, weeks into your survival, but there will always be a resource required for consumables that you can't create, so you will have to scavenge, and it's dangerous out there. If - or when - people die, you won't mourn them out of love: you'll mourn your loss of efficiency.
The console release of This War of Mine, the acclaimed survival game from small Polish studio 11 bit, comes in tandem with expansion The Little Ones. It introduces children, and it's in caring for and worrying about them that the game reinforces its own humanity. It reminds you that these are people not cogs.
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