Blizzard's most recent animated short for Overwatch sends us to Dorado, where Soldier: 76 mercilessly takes on a group of thugs.
The animation, titled "Hero," begins with a young girl leaving her home, only to be harassed by nasty bullies who rob her pouch of cash. Soldier: 76, who appears in Dorado to investigate the illegal activities of these criminals, swoops in only to find the young girl in danger, too.
This is the fourth animation in a series of impressive short films about Overwatch's characters and world, and this one is just as superb as the others.
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For more, check out this infographic detailing statistics from Overwatch's open beta earlier this month. You can also view the past three animated shorts, starring Winston, Widowmaker and Tracer, and Hanzo And Genji. Overwatch hits May 24 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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