
3:07 PM

Epic Games continues to progressively expand Paragon's roster of heroes. The newest addition is Greystone, a fighter who will enter the fray on July 12.

Greystone is a noble and strong soldier who thrives in the front lines of combat. He has unique powers such as Assault the Gates, which helps him close gaps on enemies, and Make Way, which unleashes damage to others in close proximity. With his defensive skill Stoic, he can resist additional damage passively. Even when you think he's done for, he can transform into stone and respawn with his ultimate ability Reforged, where he will reappear with some of his HP, full mana, and let loose an attack on his foes.

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Paragon is in early access on PC and PlayStation 4. You'll be able to play as Greystone by Tuesday when an update hits.

[Source: Epic Games via PlayStation Blog]


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