
12:32 PM

Titanfall! The first big platform exclusive game of the new generation that really inspired anything more than a shrug of the shoulders, and a damn fine multiplayer shooter to boot. When it launched early in 2014 it was all anyone could talk about, a breath of rarefied fresh air in the increasingly stale world of first-person shooters.

And then people kind of drifted away.

That's the perception, at least, of Respawn's mech-enhanced melee. It's a perception that Respawn refutes (and to be fair they've got 7.5 million shifted units to help back up their case). "It's really hard, because when the game launched you didn't have player numbers in the game," Drew McCoy told us at a preview event a couple of weeks ago. "So people were only left to say well it took me more than a second to find a match last night, so that must mean it's dead. There was no data for people to look at. We have the data, we can look at the graphs and they follow a very normal curve of player fall-off. The thing that determines your player-base 12 months from launch all hinges on that first week.

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