
4:29 AM

No-one seems quite sure just yet whether or not PlayStation VR has been a success. Headsets are still hard to come by, and if scarcity equals popularity then that suggests maybe this won't be joining the EyeToy on Sony's pile of forgotten hardware shame, but just as hard to come by is any meaningful first party support. One thing is for certain, though - it could really do with another big name game.

Farpoint is the most high profile release on PlayStation VR since January's Resident Evil 7, and it couldn't have come any sooner. Against a tide of interesting curios and throwaway delights, it promises something of substance, and Sony is giving it a sizeable push, bundling it together with the Aim controller peripheral (itself a resurrection of sorts for the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter from a few years ago).

CGI trailers suggest that Farpoint is a sprawling adventure set on an alien world, the kind of expansive game that PSVR could really benefit from right now. Unfortunately, the reality is anything but.

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