
12:36 PM

Put aside any notions you might have about how good you are at video games, for TumbleSeed cares not. This game is hard.

That's because TumbleSeed's core mechanic is completely alien to anything you've likely played before. Instead of having direct control over your character, the titular TumbleSeed, players are instead tasked with rolling your round avatar by adjusting the angle of a horizontal beam. One analogue stick adjusts the height of the plank's left side, while the other handles the right. Pulling off even the most basic move is equal parts maddening and mesmerising.

Actually, maybe it is familiar to something you've played before, if you're seasoned enough to have been in the arcades in the early 80s. TumbleSeed takes its cues from Taito's lovely 1983 arcade parlour game Ice Cold Beer. While still wildly entertaining in moderation, Ice Cold Beer was beholden to the technical limitations of its time: namely that it wasn't actually a video game. As such, its mechanical obstacle course was set in stone (or rather melded from metal, but you get the idea).

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