
1:59 PM

Action-RPG Death's Gambit takes place in a alien medieval world where monsters both small and horrifyingly massive await to battle the player that seeks to rid the world of immortals. In a new trailer from developer White Rabbit, we get a closer looks at some of those bosses.

Using your arsenal of weapons and abilities, the player strategically decides the best way to tackle each beast who have unique abilities of their own. After killing an immortal boss, they come back to life. However, you don't have to fight them again but if you decide to do so you can get new items that they drop depending on the various ways you can defeat them. Trying to figure out who is moral and who is immortal will also change the story. 

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Death's Gambit is coming to PC and PS4 sometime in 2017. For more check out the game's original reveal trailer from last year. 


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