Friday The 13th: The Game has raised over $885,000 during its Kickstarter campaign so far, and now it's in full production. That means a lot of animations need to be made, which is where this cool yet comical motion capture video comes in.
The mo-cap session shows several new and classic kills performed by Kain Hodder, who played Jason Voorhees in Friday The 13th: Part 7 through Jason X. Over 400 animations were captured during the shoot, which means you'll probably be able to murder camp counselors in quite a few creative ways in the final game. Watch it for yourself below.
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The new "Slasher Backer" campaign for the game has also been launched for those who didn't get to back the game before, and offers additional characters and kills as stretch goals. Friday The 13th: The Game is planned for release this fall for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
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