
3:46 PM

Matt Gilgenbilch, the creative director of Infinitap Games, has announced on PlayStation's blog  that the psychological horror game Neverending Nightmares will be coming to both PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita in 2016. Gilgenbilch stated that Ininitap is aiming for 60 frames per second on both platforms.

When asked about a release date by a blog user, Gilgenbilch replied "We are planning on releasing in the 2nd quarter of this year (April to June) but haven’t narrowed it down to a date yet." You can watch a trailer for Neverending Nightmares right here:

(Please visit the site to view this media)

Editor Kyle Hilliard reviewed the original PC release, giving it a score of 7.75 and writing "Neverending Nightmares is an emotionally resonant experience. I felt fully empathetic towards [protagonist] Thomas’ struggles, which is an impressive feat. The limited interactivity holds it back from taking full advantage of its medium, but I understood and was affected by Thomas’ inescapable depression."


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