
10:41 AM

Far Cry Primal, which is coming out next week, takes the franchise in an unexpected direction: the past. Executive producer Dan Hay says that the team wanted to strip Far Cry down to the chassis with this game, distilling it down to the fundamentals. From there, the team naturally had to build it back up, and a fascinating new video provides a behind-the-scenes look at how the team consulted with historians, linguists, and other experts to nail the feeling of Mesolithic life in 10,000 B.C.

The video explores the three main tribes that live in the game's world of Oros, a lush area based on Central and Eastern Europe's Carpathian Mountains. The Wenja are a tribe of hunter-gatherers who are looking for a new area to settle. The Izila have come from Mesopotamia, bringing their advanced agricultural knowledge with them, as well as a penchant for slavery. The Udam are a dying group of warriors who have had their bloodline ravaged by inbreeding. They rampage across Oros, hoping that these interlopers hold the key to their ultimate survival.

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Ubisoft Montreal consulted with linguists from The University of Kentucky to recreate an ancient tongue that was foundational for many contemporary languages including English. Each of the tribes speaks its own form of Proto-Indo-European, too, to highlight their levels of sophistication, experience with interacting with other groups, and more. The actors spent time learning the meaning and underlying syntax for their dialog, too, so that they weren't merely parroting back meaningless syllables. The video explores these topics and more, and it's definitely worth a watch.

Far Cry Primal is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on February 23.


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